¿Pueden los diamantes de laboratorio tener color??

En realidad, lab-grown diamonds can come in more colors than natural diamonds—such as blues, pinks, and yellows. Because lab-grown diamonds have the same chemical composition as natural diamonds, they come in a variety of colors like natural gemstones. This means the lab can be colorless, or near-colorless, rosa, gray, azul, amarillo, y más! Además, the unique methods used to create lab-grown diamonds (alta temperatura, high pressure and chemical vapor deposition) result in more trace elements entering the mix. Como resultado, some labs exhibit pink, gray or blue hues that are rare in natural diamonds.

The color of diamantes cultivados en laboratorio can be achieved in several ways:

Addition of impurities: During the synthesis process, specific impurity elements are added to the carbon source, just as in natural diamonds. These impurity elements can affect the optical properties of the diamond, resulting in different colors.

Radiation Treatment: The color of a diamond can be changed using radiation. This method is used in the laboratory to mimic the color-changing process of natural diamonds.

High temperature and high pressure treatment: Under certain high temperature and high pressure conditions, the color of diamonds can be changed. This approach can simulate natural formation processes in the deep Earth.

Deposición de vapor químico: Diamonds of various colors can be produced by introducing different compounds during the chemical vapor deposition process.

These methods allow laboratory-grown diamonds to have different colors from natural diamonds, from traditional colorless diamonds to various colored diamonds, such as yellow, azul, rosa, etc.. These colored diamonds also hold a certain value in the gem market, depending on their colour, saturation and rarity.

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