
HPHT 還是 CVD 更適合實驗室製造的鑽石?

Both HPHT (高壓高溫) 和化學氣相沉積 (化學氣相沉積) methods can produce high-quality lab-grown diamonds, and which method is better depends on the specific needs and preferences of the buyer. HPHT diamonds are created by placing a small diamond seed in a high-pressure, high-temperature environment and using a metal catalyst to dissolve carbon …

HPHT 還是 CVD 更適合實驗室製造的鑽石? 閱讀更多 »


why buy lab grown diamonds Price: Lab-grown diamonds are typically less expensive than natural diamonds of similar quality. This is because they are created in a controlled environment, which eliminates the high costs associated with mining and extraction. Ethical and environmental concerns: Some people may have concerns about the social and environmental impact of mining …

為什麼實驗室培育的鑽石更便宜 閱讀更多 »