
Buying a wedding ring with a budget of 10,000 元, is it better to buy artificial diamonds or natural diamonds?

第一的, let’s see the difference between the two. 實驗室培育鑽石: Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds that have been grown artificially. It is a crystal with the same appearance, chemical composition and crystal structure as a natural diamond. The Mohs hardness is 10, the density is 3.52, 折射率是 2.417, and the dispersion value is …

Buying a wedding ring with a budget of 10,000 元, is it better to buy artificial diamonds or natural diamonds? 閱讀更多 »

Advantages and disadvantages of seven lab-grown diamond certificates, you must know

Advantages of IGI: 1. Cultivated diamonds have a high occupancy rate. Cultivated diamonds are the mainstream and many people choose them. 2. The international authority certificate will indicate whether it has been changed. IGI Disadvantages: 1. Indian certificates are easy to downgrade, and the cheap ones on the market are basically Indian certificates. 2. Indian …

Advantages and disadvantages of seven lab-grown diamond certificates, you must know 閱讀更多 »

培育出來的鑽石真香! I feel like I’ll never buy a natural diamond again. 為什麼實驗室培育鑽石值得購買?

很多朋友不選擇天然鑽石只是因為想少交智商稅. 張雨綺說的大家都懂. 一克拉以下的碎鑽一文不值. 拿五分之一的錢買鑽戒買培育鑽石, 把剩下的買成金條, which is not only brilliant but …

培育出來的鑽石真香! I feel like I’ll never buy a natural diamond again. 為什麼實驗室培育鑽石值得購買? 閱讀更多 »

Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds?

With the continuous appearance of various brands of cultivated diamonds in the showcases of various jewelers, the price of natural diamonds frequently surpasses the elegance of natural diamonds. Especially since the era of wanton epidemics, no one can say when they will face the dilemma of living at home. This has to make people learn …

Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds? 閱讀更多 »