實驗室製造的鑽石和日常鑽石是一樣的東西: Many individuals don’t understand that regular and 人造鑽石 非常脆弱,無法區分. 因為他們兩個表達了完全相同的原子結構, 為了確定, 一般來說, great gemologists aren’t appropriate to differentiate without far-reaching testing.
再造鑽石更大更清晰: 完全不像普通鑽石, 有可能性和任意性很少影響重新制定的鑽石的合併.
實驗室鑽戒 價值大大降低: 這是給定的,因為項目交互 人造鑽石 doesn’t take a considerable amount of money, 比如他們的固定夥伴. 您預計成本最多可降低 25% 普通的鑽石, 並考慮到石頭的性質, 他們會不斷地做一筆很棒的交易.
The environment isn’t hurt as the result of lab diamonds: 任何狀況之下, you’ll see that these tasks are massive in scale and regularly will more often than not leave the bracing environment destroyed if you do a touch investigation on diamond mining. 關於假鑽石, they’re made with a modest amount of money safes and caused inside research centers with least or no harm to the territory.