What are lab-grown diamonds? Three reasons why lab-grown diamonds are worth buying

When many friends are preparing for marriage, they will find that the diamond ring is too beautiful, but the price is too expensive. A 30-point diamond ring can be sold for a starting price of 10,000 in the mall. The brand premium is too high and does not hold its value. In this case , Cultivated diamonds appeared. Cultivated diamonds are diamonds cultivated by artificially simulating the growth environment of diamonds.

What are lab-grown diamonds

Everyone knows that diamonds are simple crystals composed of carbon formed in the deep earth under high pressure and high temperature conditions, and are usually brought to the surface by magma through volcanic eruptions. Cultivated diamonds are diamonds cultivated by scientists simulating the growth environment of diamonds, so they are also composed of a single carbon element just like diamonds. The only difference is that diamonds are natural ice similar to glaciers, while cultivated diamonds are produced artificially. , similar to ice in a refrigerator.

In this sense, cultivated diamonds are diamonds. They are the same as diamonds in both appearance and interior, so they can be worn like natural diamonds. The most important thing is that the price is only ten times that of natural diamonds. One-tenth of it is the best substitute for diamonds at present. Carat freedom can be achieved for less than 10,000 yuan. Many young people say that they no longer need to be cut leeks by diamonds after purchasing cultivated diamonds!

Why Lab-grown Diamonds Are Worth Buying
The reason why cultivated diamonds are worth buying is that cultivated diamonds are diamonds, which have basically the same physical properties, chemical composition and crystal structure as natural diamonds. A diamond ring inlaid with cultivated diamonds can be worn generously. After all, no one can tell whether it is natural or cultivated, and it is impossible to carry the diamond certificate with you. More importantly, because the process of cultivated diamonds can be controlled, the color and clarity of cultivated diamonds produced are stronger than natural diamonds.

The second is that the price of cultivated diamonds is cheap, and cultivated diamonds can be mass-produced. At present, the price of cultivated diamonds per carat is only about 40,000. Compared with natural diamonds, the price is simply broken. Natural diamonds are about 1 carat and 4W, and the color and clarity are not too high, but cultivated diamonds with a price of 4,000 can also be bought in grade D, which is unimaginable in the natural diamond industry.

The third is that the production of lab-grown diamonds is greener and will not damage the environment. We all know that natural diamonds need to be mined, so they will cause great damage to our environment. Natural diamonds produced in Africa may also be produced under the slavery of warlords, so there is a movie called Blood Diamond. But cultivated diamonds are different. Produced in factories, cultivated diamonds only need to consume electricity, which is more green and sustainable.

Finally, more and more young people no longer believe in the marketing brainwashing of diamonds, and say no to expensive diamonds, and instead buy more affordable lab-grown diamonds. Regardless of the fact that there will be pitfalls when purchasing grown diamonds, it is best to find professional and reliable merchants to purchase them.

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